Download “NPAC-EPG” software for automatic calculation of EPG variables:

This software have been developed under VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) environment for MS Excel and running on MS Windows. This EPG Workbook provides researchers with a reliable and standardized tool for automatic calculation of up to 127 EPG variables from phloem-sap-sucking insects.

Download and install the “Stylet+” software:

Stylet is Windows* based software package for EPG data acquisition and analysis of EPG signals.


Download and install the “XylemFeed” software:

It is a MS Excel macro (hereafter referred to as software “XylFeed”) was developed to analyse essential waveform variables for xylem-feeding insects (Markheiser, A., Santoiemma, G., Fereres, A., Maixner, M., & Cornara, D. (2022). XylFeed—Analysing DC-EPG waveform variables for European spittlebugs and sharpshooters.

XylFeed software version 1.17