ICA-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Alberto Fereres,
Aranzázu Moreno, Elisa Garzo,
Jaime Jimenez, Clara Lago
University of Bari, Italy
Daniele Cornara
MacQuarie University, Sydney, Australia
Piotr Trebicki

The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique is used to study aphids and other insect herbivores with piercing mouthparts. It is a powerful tool to study plant-insect interactions, plant defence and resistance, and to elucidate insect behaviors conductive to vector-borne plant pathogens transmission.
In June 16-19, 2024, a selected list of world experts with long experience on insect behaviour will organize a new European EPG workshop/training course.
The main objective is to train or refresh the practical skills of both new and experienced EPG users. Additionally, all participants will have the opportunity to contribute with oral and poster presentations with their latest research where the EPG technique has been used. New participants are also expected to provide a brief contribution on their EPG-related plans.
Due to the practical training and associated space constrains, we can accommodate a maximum of 20 participants. Hence, early registration is recommended. If necessary, the number of participants from the same group will be limited.
The venue of the Workshop will be the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Madrid (ICA-CSIC).

Registration fees (all price in Euros):  

Early registration (February 1, 2024) Regular rate registration
Faculty 300 € 450 €
Students 150 € 250 €

Deadline for registration: May 31, 2024 Please, share this information with anybody who you think might be interested.