Keynote speakers

Beata Gabrys

Professor at the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Zielona Góra, Poland.

Keynote Talk: Applications of EPG technique: Host plant resistance and understanding mode of action of chemical compounds using EPG

Her scientific activity is focused on biochemical and behavioural aspects of aphid-plant interactions, specially aphid behavioural responses to plant allelochemicals, mechanisms of plant resistance to aphids, search for antifeedants against aphids, and probing behaviour of other-than-aphid herbivorous Hemiptera

Bernard Reynaud

Director of the UMR of Plant Populations and Bioaggressors in Tropical Environments. CIRAD. Saint-Pierre. Reunion Island. France.

Keynote talk: Automatic identification of EPG waveforms (existing and new programs)

Its fields of investigation include plant epidemiology, the dynamics of insect populations and tritrophic interactions, genetics, and the characterization of plant resistance to bioaggressors, as well as endemism and invasions in natural terrestrial ecosystems in island environments.

W. Fred Tjallingii

Retired Associate Professor (UHD) from Wageningen University, Department of Entomology, in the Netherlands. Currently, he is leading the company EPG System.

Keynote Talk: Introduction to Electronic Monitoring of Insect Behaviour. History, Background & Electronics

In 1978 he modified the original AC system, develop by McLean and Kindsen, by using a direct current (DC) circuit and renamed the technique as 'Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG). His scientific research focus evolves around various aspects of feeding behavior in aphid-plant-virus interactions, specially aphid behavioural responses to plant resistant mechanism. He also has participated in the EPG waveforms characterization of insects as aphids, mealybugs, psyllids